Friday, November 5, 2010

Stitching Away

Our sewing intensive continues at Abeille. We are finishing up projects left and right. This week Jenn brought her finished apron in; it was utterly charming! Jenn also worked on her French Toile skirt. Sheba and Elizabeth have thier skirts almost in completion - just waist bands to add. Our next two classes are free choice projects and I can't wait to see what these creative women come up with!
Elizabeth models her gorgeous chocolate brown skirt with zipper and darts from the Sew Everything Workshop book by Diana Rupp. Diana also runs a craft studio and handmade boutique in NYC called Make .
Jenn in her beautiful embellished apron with incredible handmade flowers!

A close-up of the lovely handmade flowers.

Elizabeth's fantastic zipper work.
Sheba's beautiful a-line skirt - just the waistband left to add.

More fantastic zipper work by Sheba.

Marking the hem line.

Stitching on the zipper.

Folding under the hem.

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