Monday, November 22, 2010

Officially Addicted to Sewing

Elizabeth's Floral Totes
Jenn's Lovely Hand-sewn Embellishments

Sheeba's Awesomely Bold Red Zipper

Two Great Skirts by Sheeba

The World's First Upcycled Gap Cat Tshirt by Jenn

Modelling the Cat Tshirt on her Sewing Machine
Elizabeth's Sun Dress Pattern
The Beginning of the Bodice

The almost completed dress! So Pretty!
Sheeba's Collared and Pleated Asymetric Dress Pattern
Perfect Pleating by Sheeba!

Just the wooden buttons to add! Gorgeous already!
About to add the arm hole facings.

Jenn's Charming French Toile Skirt being embellished with trim.

A zipper well done by Jenn!

Sheeba's work over the course.

Elizabeth's pieces.

It's official. The incredible women of the last sewing intensive are now addicted to sewing. Wahoo! The beautiful projects that came out of these last six weeks are a testament to their skill as seamstresses and designers. Here is a look at all the amazing work they did...and I am positive it is only the beginning!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This class was amazing - we are most definitely addicted! Thanks Libby for being a patient and inspirational teacher.