Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Skirt Time

 Therese models her freshly sewn darts on her white a-line skirt
 Gabrielle stay-stitches 6 fllounces for her skirt
 Mark's darts on the skirt he is making for his lovely wife!
 Emily busy adjusting her pleating to perfection on her skirt
 Mark's finished apron! Look at that gorgeous pleating!!
And on to zippers tomorrow!!! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

South End Open Market!!

 Busy gearing up for my first SOWA of the season.  Come check out the market this Sunday from 10-4!
Local, handmade, vintage, farmers, food trucks, general love of dogs and sunshine.
Why wouldn't you come???
460 Harrison Ave. in Boston's South End

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Six Week Sewing!

 We have begun another Six-Week Sewing Intensive at the studio! 
Our first week we made tote bags (Mark's is above - made from gorgeous upholstery fabric in maroon hues) and this past Thursday we moved on to aprons.  More pictures to come - can't use this computer for editing.  
 The beginning of Mark's pleated ruffle
 Gaby's springy floral half apron
 Emily's soft gray paisley half apron
 Therese's retro floral apron
 Her first night of sewing and she tackles a curved pocket! 
Mark ironing the fabric for his ruffle - can't wait to see how it turns out!