Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Dear Friends,

I will be teaching at a new craft studio in Brookline called Abeille. Here is the link to the website http://www.abeille.us/

I encourage you to join their mailing list for updates on all kinds of craft classes. I will keep everyone updated on sewing classes.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Student Work at Spark

Student Work at Spark

Goodbye Spark

Dear Friends,

Spark Craft Studio closed as of the end of November. It was wonderful to meet all who took sewing classes there! I will continue to post here. I will also continue to do private lessons. Just email me if you are interested - libby.meehan@gmail.com or whistlingsparrow@gmail.com. I am also meeting with the owner of a different studio to discuss the possibility of teaching there - I will keep updating as I have more information.

Hope everyone is well!